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Mana Pedulimu? Terjadi Penimbunan Ilegal di Kawasan Manggrove Oleh Pelindo

Denpasar. Kalangan mahasiswa mengeluhkan terjadinya penimbunan ilegal kawasan hutan mangrove, atau beralih kepemilikan. Mereka juga memprotes ada BUMN yang melakukan aktivitas tanpa melewati prosedur dan terkesan sembunyi-sembunyi.

Koordinator aksi One Student One Tree Warmadewa, I kadek Robby Astina Putra Para mengaku pihaknya juga menyoroti aktivitas perluasan kawasan di Teluk Benoa oleh Pelindo dengan cara menimbun atau menguruk kawasan, yang ditengarai belum memiliki AMDAL.

"Pelanggaran-pelanggaran semacam itu telah terjadi bertahun-tahun, namun belum ada tindakan tegas dari pemerintah ataupun petugas terkait," ucapnya, Sabtu (15/11/2015).

Para mahasiswa juga mendesak negara turun dalam mengatasi berbagai pelanggaran yang terjadi di kawasan Teluk Benoa seperti pencaplokan hutan magrove baik individu, masyarakat atau industri, agar tidak semakin parah.

Untuk memperbaiki kawasan hutan mangrove di Teluk Benoa yang semakin tergerus, sekitar 1500 mahasiswa Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar akhirnya melakukan penghijauan dengan menanam pohon mangrove di sekitar Teluk Benoa Bali.

"Kegiatan yang melibatkan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi ini dimaksudkan sebagai bentuk kepedulian atas lingkungan di sekitar Teluk Benoa saat ini," jelasnya.
Pasalnya, sejak tahun 1996, para mahasiswa telah memiliki tradisi menanam mangrove untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan di Teluk Benoa.

"Sudah bertahun-tahun, kami menanam mangrove di Denpasar dengan program one student one tree, kegiatan ini bagian dari program kami," tuturnya.

Terkait soal kondisi Teluk Benoa saat ini, termasuk adanya pro kontra terkait rencana Reklamasi Teluk Benoa, para mahasiswa tidak mau terjebak atau masuk dalam perdebatan pro kontra.

"Kami hanya ingin berbuat nyata untuk membantu menyelamatkan lingkungan di Teluk Benoa," tegasnya.

Para mahasiswa berharap, negara bisa hadir dalam membantu menyelesaikan perdebatan panjang itu agar masyarakat Bali, tidak semakin terbelah dan terhambat pembangunannya.

Sekarang Kami menunggu pihak - pihak yang sering katanya peduli dengan lingkungan, dimana pedulinya? selain berkomentar di media Sosial?

Sumber: http://www.beritabali.com/

Translate English:

The students complained about the illegal hoarding of mangrove forest areas, or switch ownership. They also protested there SOE activities without going through the procedures and were impressed stealth.

Action coordinator One Student One Tree Warmadewa, I kadek Robby Astina Putra admitted his side also highlighted the expansion of activity in the Gulf region Benoa by Pelindo by landfill or bury the region, which is considered not to have EIA.

"Such violations have occurred for many years, but there has been no decisive action from the government or relevant officers," he said, Saturday (11/15/2015).

The students also urged the country fell in addressing the violations that occurred in the Gulf region such as the annexation of forest magrove Benoa individuals, communities or the industry, so as not getting worse.

To fix the mangrove forest area in the Gulf of Benoa increasingly eroded, about 1500 students at the University Warmadewa Denpasar eventually do mangrove reforestation by planting trees around Bali Benoa Bay.

"Activities that involve students of the Faculty of Economics is intended as a form of awareness of the environment around Benoa Bay this time," he explained.

Because, since 1996, students have had a tradition of planting mangrove to preserve the environment in the Gulf of Benoa.

"It's been years, we planted mangroves in Denpasar with one student one tree program, this activity is part of our program," he said.

Related matter Benoa Bay today's conditions, including the pros and cons associated Benoa Bay Reclamation plan, the students do not want to be stuck or included in the debate the pros and cons.

"We just want to do the real to help save the environment in the Gulf of Benoa," he said.

The students hope that the state can be present in helping resolve a long debate was that the people of Bali, not further split and hampered development.

Now we wait for the parties - parties that often he concerned with the environment, where it matter? besides commenting on social media?

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