Corruption Detected !. Real Evidence Poor Government officials, the District Officer With Strictly speaking said that had become customary at the district office to pay all sorts of letters signed by Mr. Camat
Especially those IMB application. the pay is not half-hearted Rp. 2 Jt per signature .... (originally asked for Rp. 4 Jt but negotiable eventually become Rp. 2 Jt
Bukti Nyata Bobroknya Aparat Pemerintahan.....Pegawai Kecamatan Dengan Tegasnya mengatakan bahwa sudah menjadi Kebiasaan di kantor Kecamatan untuk membayar segala macam surat yang ditanda tangai oleh Pak Camat terkhusus permohonan IMB. bayarannya tidak tanggung-tanggung Rp. 2 Jt per tanda tangannya....(awalnya meminta Rp. 4 Jt namun di nego akhirnya menjadi Rp. 2 Jt )..............
Posted by Tabloid Morality on Saturday, September 26, 2015
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